Fill your garden with the beauty of beloved wildflowers. Spring starts blooming with blue and white Texas Bluebonnets, followed by shades of yellow, purple, red and orange that burst into view during the summer months. Many plants continue flowering well into fall until frost. Adding to the colorful show is the sight and sound of the butterflies, bees and other pollinators attracted to the floral display. Annuals and biennials may self-seed to return in following years, while perennials return providing for years of beauty and enjoyment.
Mix includes (see diagram):
- Texas Bluebonnet
- Annual Phlox
- Lance-leaved Coreopsis
- Purple Coneflower
- Indian Blanket
- Scarlet Sage
- Butterfly Flower
- Purple Prairie Clover
- Standing Cypress
- Clasping Coneflower
- Lemon Mint
- Dwarf Red Coneflower
- Showy Evening Primrose